Friday, December 26, 2008

5 More Sleeps.....

I must say that December has flown by with amazing speed and here I sit just 5 sleeps away from our move to the Caribbean! It is CRAZY! Christmas was wonderful and as always it was gone so quickly.....we had many wonderful events this month so that probably contributed to time going so quickly....I really can't believe that we are last day of work was tuesday and it was tough packing up my office and leaving and as I went outside I was thinking....holy cow....I am now unemployed, what am I doing?????? I have a feeling that I am going to feel like this for the next few weeks/months until we get settled in Saba!

So for the past few weeks we have been slowly packing things up and getting everything organized....about 1/2 of our house is now in boxes or sent on to we just have the other 1/2 to contend with ....this is where it gets tricky....I put something in a box and the kids haul it back out because they want to use it! and we are trying to pack all of our winter clothing away and only keep out what we will need for the next few makes it a little more difficult when we are travelling from the north pole ( ha ha) to the hot temps of the Caribbean (it has been 25 C all week in Saba)

I am excited about our adventure and I know that we are going to have such a neat experience...but I am sad too, leaving my family and friends behind....I have a lot to cram into the next 5 days so wish me luck.....

we may be unreachable for a few days until our internet/phone etc gets connected (I've been told that it can take up to 10 days) but as soon as we are safe and sound and online I will let you all know!

God Bless,

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