Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Heeeerrrrrrreee's Dawny!

ok all you people....I have been told that you are anxiously awaiting more "Dawn" stories (and I am so glad that you all find my life sooo entertaining!) Well have I got a story (or several) for you...the last 24 hours have been, well, let's say....eventful! and to be honest I am not sure how I have survived but somehow God has kept me alive so far so obviously these stories are meant to be told!

yesterday seems meek and mild compared to today, but for a quick recap...we had to move out of our took ALL day and I mean all...7 am ish to 7 pm ish, with 2 of us packing, 3 people cleaning and a moving company moving the stuff...and the movers truck broke down and (they had us written down for the wrong day) so they showed up 3 hours late...but they did a great job and were very efficient once they did arrive.....also the day before as we were waiting for UPS to pick up our boxes for shipment to Saba, we found out that we couldn't complete the paper work that was sent to us on the weekend as it was meant for people moving to the US as opposed to moving through the after 4 hours on the phone talking to UPS,Canada customs and US customs (2 hours of which were on a cell phone because as luck would have it, our battery operated cordless decided to die part way in....yes I am serious.....anyway long shipping story shortened is that we ended up canceling UPS and driving 6 very large boxes to Canada Post to mail them down for a handsome price of $520! (instead of the $300 for UPS) but hey to save all the paper work hassle we sent it!so we missed the boat to Saba and we are now not sure when our stuff will arrive but it will arrive and that is what matters (see what a positive attitude I have?? still smiling (through gritted teeth!!)

So we spend the night with my aunt and uncle and kids and had a wonderful morning with them until the goodbyes started, and then we had tears a flying in every direction....picture 8 adults, and 6 children 10 and under all was quite a scene.....our kids were trying to renegotiate the whole move....I must say I was a little bit tempted myself......

Sooo..this is where the Dawn saga gets more "Dawn like".....we left PEI headed for Nova Scotia, (a little later than planned but whatever) hoping to outrun the Atlantic storm headed our way! About an hour into the drive Monty says "mom I don't feel good" and so i say "Monty you have been up late every night this week and crying this morning and you are anxious and so you probably just feel exhausted...lay back and have a sleep" (good motherly advice?) about 20 minutes later he opens his eyes and starts barfing EVERYWHERE....yup......all over himself, the rental car and the bags in the back seat...Joe quickly pulls over to the side of the road and opens the window and says "Monty put your head out the window" MOnty turns toward the window but makes no move to go to it and barfs all over the door instead....Christian was screaming "oh gross, disgusting, that smells so bad" cars were a flying by and Joe and I just stared at each other thinking what do we do now....we found a few napkins and then started digging into the socks in the suitcases to clean up the barf.....we left a few pairs on the side of the highway just before oxford if anyone is looking for free socks! we stripped him down to his t-shirt but had nom more warm clothes for him because of course we are moving to a tropical climate and we only packed summer clothing (not anticipating needing several changes of winter clothes!) Monty sat shivering in the back seat wanting my coat but he was still half covered in barf so i wasn't keen on sharing.....we turned the heat up (which of course accentuated the smell) and drove to Oxford. We got to a gas station and cleaned Monty all up and got some proper stuff to clean the pool of puke out of the back of the rental him some clean clothes and a bucket (yes the very helpful and sympathetic staff found us a bucket for Monty in case he decided to puke again) He made great use of the bucket all the way to Halifax! Luckily the hotel has laundry would think that the adventure would stop there but NOPE......we stopped at shoppers and I sent Joe in to buys some laundry detergent and he brought it out in a at the hotel I went to the laundry room to throw the barfy clothes in the washer....and the light was not working so I had to hold the door open with my foot to stretch forward to get the laundry going in the dark....poured in the "detergent" and started her up.....dried the clothes (except Monty's hockey jacket which has to hang) a little while later I walked by his jacket and noticed that it still really smelled like barf....I decided to hand wash it in the bathroom with the "laundry detergent" that Joe my surprise when I got a look at the wasn't detergent at all....IT WAS FABRIC SOFTENER!!! I looked at Joe and shook my head and I thought this is about the craziest day ever.....oh there is much more but I am going to start a new on.......

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